Steak de Burgo

Steak de Burgo
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Beef Tenders Rubbed with Salt & Pepper

Steak de Burgo is a popular dish in the Des Moines area, but not well known in other areas. Des Moines has a large and proud Italian population and a variety of excellent Italian restaurants. Steak de Burgo was developed at either Vic’s Tally-Ho or at Johnny & Kay’s Restaurant in the 1940’s – neither restaurant is with us anymore, but their famous dish lives on at every good Italian restaurant or steak house in town.
The key to Steak de Burgo is the garlic sauce, either butter based or cream based, that is used to top each portion. Steak de Burgo is traditionally made with Filet Mignon or Beef Tenderloin – I like to use the Shoulder Petite Tender which is not quiet as tender as Tenderloin, but has a fuller, beefier flavor and costs significantly less than the Tenderloin.

Done to a perfect Medium Rare
Browning the Steaks in Garlic Butter