Campfire Skewers

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Sure, these are a lot like shish kababs, but since I’m leaving the options open on marinade and seasonings I don’t want to call them that since shish kababs have a very specific seasoning profile.
I like to cook the meat and the vegetables on separate skewers since the veggies don’t take as long to cook.
Use a marinade such as Fajita, Shasklik, Teriyaki or Tuscan. I like to season with either Cavenders or Creole seasoning.
Serve with rice or a pasta side dish.
Campfire Skewers
Camping and Cast Iron Cooking
Prep Time
30 minutes
Cook Time
30 minutes
Total Time
1 hour

- 1 – 1.5# of meat – beef, pork or chicken cut into cubes or strips
- Marinade of your choice
- Seasoning of your choice
- Onion cut into large, bite sized pieces. White and red and nice for color
- Bell peppers cut into large bite size pieces. Red and green are nice for color
- Cherry tomatoes
- Whole mushrooms, cut in half
- Summer yellow or zucchini squash cut into slices
- Marinade the meat, overnight if possible.
- Cut up the vegetables, and toss with some oil and the seasoning of your choice.
- If using wooden skewers, soaking them in water will make them less likely to burn while cooking.
- Slide the vegetables on the skewers – alternating vegetables.
- Slide the meat on the skewers, avoid crowding them too tight so that they cook and brown properly.
- Season the meat lightly and put over coals in the fire pit.
- Place the skewers of veggies to the side, or put them on a little later than the meat.
- Move the skewers around over the coals to make sure everything cooks evenly.
- Cook until the veggies are done and the meat is ~150 degrees internal.
- Serve over rice or with a pasta side dish.